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President's Corner
Building Your Legacy:
By: Julie Decker

One of my favorite success stories is about a woman who having completed one career, took her knowledge of working in a male dominated industry to help women. She and her son, took their $5000 in savings and began a unique company. This company was about empowering women to earn extra spending money or to even start their own career or to improve their life. She led by a powerful example that now spans the world and has existed for over 50 years. You may have heard of her – Mary Kay Ash.

Mary Kay Ash built a legacy; and one that exists today. The key word in this example is the word “build”. It is not something that we do instantaneously but one which takes every word, every experience, every mistake and every win that makes us, empowers us and leaves a memory of us.

Building a legacy is perhaps not something you think of often but every day we leave an imprint of ourselves. So, if you are rear ended in traffic (yes, that happened not long ago and my memory of myself may not have been positive), or greeting a cashier at a store or the seat mate on the plane next to you or even more importantly – your family and customers! What are you building? How will you be remembered?

Will you leave an imprint of integrity, compassion, professionalism and intelligence? Remember, your legacy is “built” brick by brick, day by day; let’s built a strong one?