Women in HVACR History


Women in HVACR, was organized exclusively for educational purposes to further the growth of women in all areas of the HVACR industry, including technical, sales, management and ownership. It is our goal to provide our members with a variety of opportunities to network and develop in a professional environment.
How we began:
In 2002 during the AHR Expo held in Chicago, IL Ruth King & Gwen Hoskins began a discussion about the increased number of women joining the HVACR industry and the need for a way to share knowledge and experience through networking while encouraging and supporting one another. This conversation between two women was the catalyst for the organization.
From this simple discussion a panel discussion was hosted by Comfortech entitled: Women in The Industry during the 2003 confernce held in Dallas, TX. in conjunction with the Contracting Business Woman of the Year breakfast. The panel consisted of 4 women within the HVACR industry and was attended by approx 40 people, this was the 1st Official Conference.

From the interest generated during the panel discussion, by the end of the year Ruth King had applied for a 501C3 under the name Women in HVACR. As so it began.
September 15th 2004 the Women in HVACR conference was held in conjuntion with Comfortech in St Louis, MO.

Conference Topics included: Women in Leadership, How would you Handle This Situation, Earing Respect in a Male Dominated Industry, Choose! The Role that Choice Plays in Shaping Women's Lives, and a Panel Discussion- Women in Sales.
During this conference an additinal 20 members were added to the already 104 membership count.
The 2nd Anual Women in HVACR conference was held in Nashville, TN in again in conjunction with Comfortech September 14, 2005.

Conference Topics included: Maximizing the Benefits of Service Agreements, All about LEED, Keynote speech: How o Help Others While Helping Yourself- The Power of Mentoring, Customer Service in the Trenches, PAnel Discussion: How to Recruit Women in HVACR, Peer Discussion Groups lead by WHVACR Board Members.
On September 12th 2006 Women in HVACR kick off the The 3rd Annual Women in HVACR conference in Baltimore, Md with a newley added networking and opening reception to the conference schedule.

Conference Topics included: Managing Change, HVAC 101 All You've Always Wanted to Know but were Afraid to Ask, Save Lives & Dollars: Why You Should Make Saftey Training a Priority for your Company, Women in HVACR Leadership Series: Pinnacle to Significance, Business Longevity: Taking Your Comapny to the Next LEvel, and Peer Group Networking Session.
In 2007 Women in HVACR returned to St Louis for the 4th Annual Women in HVACR Conference held September 25th & 26th.

Meetings were held at the America;s Center September 25 & 26th. Conference Topics included: 2007 Contracting Business Woman of the Year-Narissa Rampey, Dealing with Difficult People even if One of them Happens to be you!, Productivity- Who is in Control, Ten Mistakes Leaders Make, Women & the Spirit of HVACR: Rules for Soaring Above the Rooftops, PAnel Discussion- Sharpen Your Negotiating Skills and Peer Group Discussions.
September 9th & 10th 2008 Women in HVACR held their 5th Annual Conference at the World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA.

Conference Topics Included: 2008 Contracting Business Woman of the Year, Green: It's the New Black- Hype or Emerging Trend?, Overcome the Generational Gaps in your Workforce, From Classroom to Cool, Lessons in Power Recruiting and Training, Customer Service from the Trenches and Peer Discussion Group.
Women in HVACR's 6th Annual Conference was back in Nashville, TN in 2009 at the Nashville Convention Center September 22nd & 23rd.

This is the first year the Women in HVACR Board decided to give the conference a Theme. The theme choosen for this conference was "STANDING OUT".
Conference Workshops included: Key Note Speaker- 2009 Contracting Business Woman of the Year, Superior Customer Service As Your Brand, Panel Discussion- Soical Media & Networking, How to Work a Room, Managing Change, Power Hour of Self Development-Embracing & Empowering Self, and for the first time a Wine & Cheese Wrap Up and Networking session.
In 2010 Women in HVACR was back in Baltimore, MD for the 7th Annual WHVACR Conference, September 21st & 22nd at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Confernece Theme " Achievement Through Teambuilding"
Workshops included: A Totem Pole Ice Breaker Exercize, DISC Personality Profiles, Non Verbal Communication, 2010 Contracting Business Women of the Year, Symptoms of a Struggling Team, How to Say No, Wine & Cheese Wrap up.
The 8th Annual Women In HVACR Conference, Septermber 20th & 21st at the Indianapolis Conference Center.

Conference Theme: "Empowering the Woman Within"
Workshops included: Presidential Welcome, Visualization Exercize- Vision Boards, What is an Empowered Woman, Empowering yourself to succeed, The Goal a new you... it all Begins with a Thought, 2011 Contracting Business Woman of the Year, Saftey for Women- Interactive Workshop, Success & Prosperity, Wine & Cheese Wrap up.
The 9th Annual Women in HVACR Conference, was held September 18th & 19th in Schaumburg, IL Conference Center.
Conference theme: "Navigating Change"

Workshops included: Presidential Welcome,and Opening Ice Breaker Excersize- Communication is Key. Key Note Speaker- Polly Craighill- First Woman Sr. Legislative Council, US Senate- Retired. How to get your Cheesburger in Paradise with Sandy Bleustein,Managing Director Raymond James / Morgan Keegan. Lunch Guest Speaker- Alana Ward, 2012 Contracting Business Woman of the Year- Sharing her experience and thoughts- A Young Leader- No Limits!
The 5 steps to Positive Change with Blaine Fox, Warm Thoughts Communication, Wrapping up with "Making your Home Whole with Home Performance" by David Richardson, NCI
We had a special sponsor this year in attendance (SAFTEY GIRL) offering free saftey glasss and deep discounts on pink hard hats, saftey glasses and saftey boots all designed for the female contractors needs. And finally our Wine & Cheese Wrap Up (Sponsored by Emerson).
OUR 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE "Philadelphia Freedom" was held in Philadelphia, PA at the Philadelphia Convention Center in DownTown Philly.


An organization designed to mentor and educate women on trends, technology and opportunity within the HVACR industry. Women in HVACR gives women at all stages of their career opportunities to network with other successful women within the industry from all over the country.

Women in HVACR holds its annual conference each year in the Fall.